5 Ways To Prevent The Need For Drain Cleaning

  1. Put a hair-filter on your shower drain
    The number one reason our drain cleaning experts get called into homes is to clean hair out of the shower drain. These hair-stoppers are cheap, easy to install, and can save you from constantly needing your shower drain cleaned.
  2. Consider a lint-trap for your washing machine’s drain line
    When your washing machine is done washing all of that gunk will get sucked into the drain line causing all sorts of blockages.
  3. Collect used grease and cooking oils in a used milk carton
    These sticky substances often stick to your pipes and block passing by food particles, so make sure to dispose of them elsewhere.
  4. Rinse your drains at least once per month
    Just because we can’t see our drains, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t clean them. For the best results use a combination of warm water and vinegar for your drains and ice cubes for your garbage disposal.
  5. Throw the following foods out in the trash
    Bones, coffee grounds, egg shells, pasta, rice and celery should all be thrown away in the trash because they can wreak havoc on your garbage disposal and demand the attention of our drain cleaning experts.

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